Apparattion hill
The Apparition Hill, situated a few hundred meters above Podbrdo, holds great significance as the site of the initial apparitions of the Queen of Peace. A steep path leads from the road to the precise location where the apparitions occurred. In 1989, bronze reliefs depicting the joyful and painful mysteries of the rosary were placed along the path. Adjacent to the trail stands a large wooden cross, marking the spot where, on the third day of the apparitions, the Virgin Mary invited the visionary Marija Pavlović to promote peace. In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the apparitions, a statue of the Queen of Peace, crafted in resemblance to the one found in the churchyard, was installed at the site. For pilgrims, ascending Apparition Hill represents an intimate encounter with the Virgin Mary through personal prayer and the recitation of the rosary.

Church of St. James
The highest mountain in Medjugorje at 520 meters, holds a special place of reverence. On March 15, 1934, in honor of the 1900th anniversary of Jesus’ death, parishioners erected an 8.5-meter reinforced concrete cross. Inscribed on the cross are the words, “To Jesus, Redeemer of humanity, as a sign of our faith, our love, and our hope, and in memory of the 1900th anniversary of the passion of Jesus.” Relics of the Cross of Jesus were inserted at the intersection of the cross’s arms, received specifically for this occasion from Rome. Each year, on the Exaltation of the Cross, which falls on the first Sunday after the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, a Holy Mass is celebrated at the base of the cross.

The highest mountain in Medjugorje at 520 meters, holds a special place of reverence. On March 15, 1934, in honor of the 1900th anniversary of Jesus’ death, parishioners erected an 8.5-meter reinforced concrete cross. Inscribed on the cross are the words, “To Jesus, Redeemer of humanity, as a sign of our faith, our love, and our hope, and in memory of the 1900th anniversary of the passion of Jesus.” Relics of the Cross of Jesus were inserted at the intersection of the cross’s arms, received specifically for this occasion from Rome. Each year, on the Exaltation of the Cross, which falls on the first Sunday after the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, a Holy Mass is celebrated at the base of the cross.